Happy Trails Home

Big Sky, MT

Happy Trails House

See what these home owners have to say about building with Dovetail Construction!

A letter from the owners

Dear Tim,


We are back in WI and I have some time to reflect and process, all of the dreams come true, emotions, and the efforts of so many very special people who helped make the Happ’s Big Sky Home a reality.

I love that you enjoyed watching our daughter, Hannah, and her “delightfully dramatic” responses to all of the furniture and accessories……. We were so excited that she could join us on that most incredible day because we know her so well and we knew she would be so much fun!!!

Tim, as amazing and beautiful as all of the furniture and accessories are, they don’t begin to compare to the building itself……. Your team, Tim (and Kevin), is just beyond words when it comes to quality, craftsmanship, details, communication, partnership… How lucky we are to have hired Dovetail to build our Family Dream Home in the mountains of Big Sky.

It is very hard to express our gratitude to everyone who works for Dovetail, as well as the contractors that you employ, for their efforts and conscientiousness throughout the 3-year process.  That said, John and Joe are outstanding in their fields – just CRAZY good at their jobs.  They have gone above and beyond to be amazing team players – there doesn’t seem to be anything they can’t do.  They are Gems.

Peace and Love and Cheers to Great Humans who do Great Work and new Friendships that we hope will last a lifetime!